Saturday, January 09, 2010


Is he the son we never had?

Is he here indefinitely?

Is he going to remember?

Is he going to leave a whole in our hearts when he's gone?

Just a few questions brewing in my brain over the last few months. My sister is in the service trying to start her life over. She dropped my nephew off to us in the beginning of November and it's been a joy for us all. I'm a little stressed out caring for the two of them but I am making it. He is just helping our family bond together closer. My husband values us doing things together as a family all four of us, and it's really good to see him with him...the son we never had. I know the Lord does all things well and he never makes a mistake...but I sure wish I could peek thru to the end of this chapter or just choose my own adventure (remember those i know I am showing my age).

Just some thoughts coming to a layout near

1 comment:

Brown English Muffin said...

just looking at his cherub of a face I'd want to see the last chapter in the book too.