Thursday, November 03, 2005

It's Me Again

Here I am.. haven't been here in awhile, my daugther turned one and I turned 31 and my husband and I have celebrated being married for 4 years.. count them with me 1, 2, 3, 4!!! I love my huband. It's been rough but to quote one my favorite choirs "We made it, we survived" Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship. Praise God for that!! My daughter is walking it's so funny to see...I'll have to post a pic after I take it. I'll be back sooner than later....Cynta

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I'm back

"It's been a long time coming" (The Winans) ....I'm back. I had a rough 2 and 1/2 weeks. Both of my grandfathers Bishop John. W. Lewis, Sr., and Elder Edward Harris died within 4 days of each other and ... The Bishop of the Church Organization the United Holy Church America...Bishop Odell McCollum died on Tuesday. As my husband and cousin said it's time for a changing of the guard I guess. It's really been rough but I know the Lord is going to give us strength to get thtough all of this. Well I'll check in later I have go....Oh yeah my siblings will be here on Sunday.... I AM SOOOOO EXCITED!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Today at Work

Well here goes my journey at work this week. Well Monday I did not come to work because I didn't have any one to watch the baby and they were working in a broken pipe outside my office. I get a call Monday evening from my boss that there was a floo din my office. 50% of the carpet is wet so I have to move my workstation until further notice. So today I had to pack my desk up and empty bookshelves and desk draws what a waste of time for me. I did get a major assignment done this week though.... THANK GOD!! Next week I go on vacatio, welll not really vacation I have to go to a church convention and work....I'm excited and I'm not because I don't really know what to expect.. cause I have never attended this event as an officer so it will be a little different for me. I have one more day at work this week cause we are off on Friday's during the summer. well I only have another half an hour left til quitting time and need to straighten up my temporary space.. talk to you later or tomorrow.. Check out my favorite music ministers Mary Mary

This is the second love of my life my daughter Danielle. Isn't she B-E-AUtiful!!! Posted by Picasa

This is me almost three years ago man do I need to take some new pictures. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My First Blog

Hey Internet World,

This is my first blog. Just chillin here at work thought I'd give this a try. Seems to be a cool thing to do these days. Well I'll be back later!