Monday, July 12, 2010

My Weekend

On Friday I stayed up until 6:00 am Scrapbooking over the phone with my girls Kisha and my girl Kim. We did a lot of chatting. And I actually got some stuff done. Lookie here:

I also made a card:

And all day Saturday I rested. Was about to go out but discovered that my keys were missing. My husband found them in one of our couches. Thank God he found them.

Church on Sunday was excellent! We came home and I cooked dinner and we just relaxed. I received some sad news via Twitter. Bishop Walter Hawkins had died and man I instantly started crying like I actual knew. Well I felt like I did I had been listening to his music since I was a kid. Love his music and his voice!
Here is a video of his last performance this year. Singing one of my favorite songs by home Marvelous.

Blessed me so much wished I could have been playing in the Viola section on this one.