Friday, April 20, 2007

I'ts Friday

Alright now, no work tomorrow. Yay! I am so sick, but I think that's because I washed my hair on Tuesday night, I did not dry it and I immediately went out in the cold. The entire time I am saying to myself this probably not a good idea or is that a myth...I guess not.

In other news I won a copy of the Computer Tricks for Scrapbookers by Jessica Sprague from Tiffany. I have never won anything off the internet before so this is kewl. Talk to ya later!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Just thinking

After listening to yesterday's Inspirational Wednesday's Pod Cast, I got to thinking just as Toya said the important things to see on scrapbook is your journaling and your pictures. So yesterday when I got home from work I started to complete the journaling for my 2005 Scrapbook of my daughter Danielle. I have been working on it forever and I want to finally complete and album. I am no longer concerned about what products I use and how many embellishments I put on a page. The important thing is that my daughter has some idea of what her life was like when she was little. How she behaved and how much her mother and father cared for her and how much her family loves her. There are not many pictures of me as a baby or a child for that matter. So the only things I remember about my childhood are the not so pleasant events that are engraved in my mind. I don't want that for my daughter, so I will continue to do my scrapbooking and be more concerned about the memories and the love that is shared between my family.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Just wanted to share a picture of the little lady and her mommy. This picture was taken in June of 2006 at Danielle's cousin Bethany's Birthday Party. My mommy took this...I'm rockin' my twa...ha ha...

I'm Trying Again

To keep this thing up to date...okay so Sunday was Easter Sunday, always I day I look forward to, because it reminds that JESUS is alive!!! HE IS RISEN!

I also enjoy this day more because of my daughter Danielle. Here are some pictures of her before we left for church on Sunday:

Styling with her Children's Place Sunday Glasses and out fit on...she is just supercute

Look Mom I can put my glasses on all by myself.

It was a joyous day at church and we also had a wonderful time at Aunt Becky's for dinner. It was special because family was in from out of town for our cousin Kiah's wedding. Danielle got to play with her other first cousin that is around the same age as she is. We haven't seen them in a long time so that was nice.

I also made some cards this week for a couple of my husbands coworkers. One of them bought some food for Danielle that I used for her lunch last week. The other one bought us some beautiful towels to match our bathroom decor!! I was so excited to receive them that I sat right down and made these cards. These cards are only my 3rd and 4th cards I have ever made. What do you think of them?

I used products from two of the classy coordinated kits I get once a month from Since I'm new to this whole scrapbook, papercraft thing I really enjoy using the kits I get from this kit club because it has just about everything you need in it.

Okay until next time, thanks for reading.
