So last Monday I picked Danielle and my friend Liz and her grandson from daycare. Before I dropped them off I had to go to the drugstore to pick up my husbands prescription. I left my friend Liz and the kids in the car with the car running because I didn't plan to be long. Of course it took longer than expected. I get back in the car and it stalls. The lights work, radio work everything is working except the car itself will not turn. So I am sitting there trying to figure out what's going on and my daugter says in the whinest voice I ever heard. I want to go home! Uh duh we all do is she serious, I say to myself and look at my girlfriend. As calming as I can I say to Danielle will all will go home as soon as we figure what's wrong with the car. We called my girlfriends husband he is on his way, so I fiddle around with the car some more and the car starts. I am dumbfounded and wanted to make sure that it actually was running so I sit there a few minutes, and my daughter says, Drive mommy, drive. I couldn't believe it. This child of mine is mess!!
This above layout was done using the SEI Jolie Chocolat line with some Martha Stewart Butterflies. This is also a sketch from
TiareThis is another sketch from
Tiare. I am not sure of the Paper Company for these papers, they were in Classy Pak I know.
This child is always sucking her thumb and pulling her ear or someone elses ear if they let her. This is what she does the majority of her time at home or anywhere. She keeps telling me she is not going to suck her thumb no more but always manages to keep doing it. We have even bribed her nothing works. We soon will need to get her to stop. I'll let you know how that goes.